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Parish News | February 12

Writer's picture: Grace Episcopal ChurchGrace Episcopal Church

Updated: Feb 11, 2023

The front window at Grace photographed in 1978
A stained glass window depicting Jesus healing four individuals
The window given in memory of Lesley Elizabeth Bentley

Dear Friends,

This is a big weekend for Grace. For one thing, we remember Lesley Elizabeth Bentley, who died February 12, 1971 at the age of 31. Lesley had been a nursing crew member of SS Hope, a retired Navy hospital vessel refitted to become a peacetime hospital ship. Her parents, Robert and Elizabeth Bentley gave the beautiful window depicting Jesus healing.

For another thing, we have the annual Vestry Retreat on Saturday. The Vestry is focusing on four pieces of work recommended in 2017 by consultants, Rev. James Isaacs and Barbara Robbins and the Discovery and Discernment Committee. 1. The Vestry should implement unified, parish-wide, single church service one Sunday every quarter. 2. The Vestry should develop a steering committee to coordinate vision, mission and long-range planning (basic strategic planning) that covers the full spectrum of the overarching purposes of the church. 3. The Vestry should initiate an ongoing intentional plan to encourage spiritual development and engagement in the life of the parish. 4. A group formed by the vestry should be empowered to discern ways for deeper engagement, beginning with the book Growing 8 Young: Six Essential Strategies to Help Young People Discover and Love Your Church by Kara Powell. This group will follow up the discernment with recommendations to the vestry regarding suggestions for greater parish engagement and revitalization.

And most exciting, this Sunday we will celebrate at a unified, parish-wide, single church service at 9:15 am after which everyone is encouraged to attend a "Town Hall" meeting with Neal Roseberry, Architect, who will present results from 110 surveys and six focus group meetings and his thoughts about how our Parish House currently serves our purposes and ways it might better serve our purposes. Refreshments will be served in the Parish Hall and Neal's presentation will begin at 10:45.

You will no doubt hear Neal quote Sir Winston Churchill's address to the House of Commons in 1943 about the rebuilding of the House of Commons which had been destroyed in May 1941. "We shape our buildings, and afterwards they shape us."

In 1958, at about the time the Vestry of RE Lee was certifying the design for the current Parish House, the SS Hope on which Lesley Bentley served was refitted for service as a peacetime hospital ship. How might we begin to reshape and refit our buildings in order that they might help reshape and refit us for the spiritual work of building a community of trust and compassion that reflects the Beloved Community, the Kingdom of God?

In what ways might we refit and reshape the narrow corridors, tightly enclosed classrooms, inaccessible bathrooms, and worn out parish hall so that they in turn might create an environment of open heartedness, exploration, trust, fellowship, hospitality, collaboration, learning and service that helps us grow into the full stature of Christ? In what ways might we make it easier for those who are not able bodied to fully celebrate the communion we share with Jesus?

Come on Sunday and listen to what Neal has heard us say.

With Gratitude,

Tuck Bowerfind, Rector, Grace Episcopal Lexington


Worship Services | Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany | Sunday, February 12

Holy Eucharist | 9:15AM

In-Person & YouTube

Taizé Eucharist | 5PM


Morning Prayer | Monday–Friday 8:30AM

In-Person & Zoom

We're on Twitter!

To stay in the loop with all things Grace Episcopal, give us a follow on our new Twitter! While you're at it, check out our other socials too.

Christianity and Culture | 9:15AM Sunday Forums

February 12 | We will celebrate Holy Eucharist at 9:15AM Eucharist followed by a reception and 10:30AM Town Hall meeting with Architect Neal Roseberry to continue our discussion about what Grace Church will look like in 25 years and how our buildings might support that vision.

February 19 | Last Epiphany Intro to Lent Madness – Listening to Spiritual stories of our ancestors in the Faith Augustine v Hippolytus, Florence v Nicolaus, Olga v Bertha, Scholastica v R Hooker, Monica v Joanna, Dorothy v Enmegahbowh

February 22 | Ash Wednesday

Upcoming Music Events
Panel Discussion about Ukraine

As part of Ukraine Week at W&L, a panel discussion moderated by Tania Kozachanska (W&L student from Kyiv) and including W&L Professor Anna Brodsky, a Ukrainian paramedic, and “Brave to Rebuild.” This talk is spreading awareness of the current situation in Ukraine and at raising money for Brave to Rebuild, a Ukrainian organization working to rebuild homes destroyed by the war. For more info and other Ukraine Week events, visit the link below.

Confirmation Preparation

Anyone interested in Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation of Faith please contact Tuck or Samson. We plan to hold a first meeting in the Library after the 10:30AM service on February 19.

Lent Madness

The goals of this contest are fun and reflecting on how we are inspired and challenged by some exemplars of Christian discipleship. Please invite friends to participate and come to the presentations and debates.

Please subscribe for the Lent Madness emails which will allow you to vote for each contest.

There will be a prize for anyone who correctly picks the Faithful Four and the 2023 Golden Halo winner before Ash Wednesday. (I have heard that Captain Phillips will be trying to get the VMI community to rally behind Jonathan Daniels.) On February 19 at Christianity and Culture we will introduce the contest with the first six presentations. Other presentations will take place on Wednesday nights in March starting at 6:45PM. On Wednesdays in March those who wish may gather for abbreviated Evening prayer at 6PM. Anne Sauder will serve a Soup and Bread supper at 6:20PM and our presentations will begin at 6:45PM. We plan to adjourn at 7:30PM.

Donate to The Bishop’s Dollar Fund

This year during the season of Lent, Bishop Bourlakas extends his annual invitation to reflect on our discipleship in Jesus' name. As you walk the way of the cross through the forty days of Lent, we encourage generous support of The Bishop’s Dollar Fund to continue to address a variety of initiatives and needs throughout the diocese that would not be available through our annual program budget. You may send donations via the link below or mail a check to the Diocesan Office made payable to the Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia with "Bishop's Dollar" in the memo line to: Attn: Bishop's Dollar Fund, PO Box 2279, Roanoke, VA 24009.

Prayer List

Please pray for the wider Church and intercessions requested by our Congregants: The Diocese of Southwestern Virginia, and our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Mark Bourlakas. Pray for the people of St. Peter’s, Altavista. Pray for Robbie and Brendon (friends of the Brooke family), Michael Murphy, John Thomas, Timmy, Katie (daughter-in-law of Connie Bryant), Rick Alexander, Bradley Fairchild and Karen Junkin (friends of the Gibsons), Caroline Parcell, Alice Parcell, Stanard, Rebecca, and Caroline (family of Mary Price), Gloria June Perry (mother of Michael Perry), Glen Jones (friend of the Riethmillers), Darlene Travis (sister of Don Ellis), Patricia Brown Boyer (sister of Madison Brown), Alice Furgerson, Dolly Shumate (friend of the Lewis’), Laura Wieman (friend of the Hotchkiss’), Carolyn Glenn (friend of Judy Schram), Jack Hershbell, David Passmore, David Sorrells, and those we name aloud or in our hearts. Pray for those who have died.


Paws to Connect is Back!

We will be on the courtyard with our pups on February 14, 2023. Come by and tell us about your holidays and pet the dogs!

Absalom Jones Fund

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry invites people of all backgrounds and faiths to support the hope-filled, life-impacting work of two historically Black institutions of higher education through donations and dedicated offerings on the Feast of Absalom Jones—the first Black priest ordained by the church—observed Feb. 13.

Saint Augustine’s University in Raleigh, North Carolina, and Voorhees University in Denmark, South Carolina, were founded after the Civil War to create educational opportunities for formerly enslaved people. They provide a liberal arts education to thousands of students, as well as offer robust campus ministries to help form young adults as followers of Jesus and his way of love.

“Historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are essential engines of justice, equity, and social mobility,” Curry said. “They provide high-quality education to students whose backgrounds and experiences may not have prepared them well for college success. They nurture talent that may have otherwise been discouraged by obstacles.”

Donations to the HBCUs (divided equally between the two) help support scholarships and financial aid for students in need as well as funding for quality facilities, faculty recruitment and retention, and the development of religious life on campus. Voorhees and Saint Augustine’s are seeking to build strong programs in STEM fields and the health sciences as they overcome the financial pressures created by COVID-19.

Supporting HBCUs is an investment in the ministry of reconciliation and building a better future for all, Curry said. “As much as we give to these institutions, they give back to our world many times over,” he said.

Pancake Supper

Christ Episcopal Church will host a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 21st from 5PM until 7PM in the Parish Hall. Pancakes, sausage, applesauce, coffee, tea, and juice will be served. Please join us. Volunteers for cooking or serving are most welcome

The Rockbridge Choral Society

The Rockbridge Chamber Singers

with Chamber Orchestra and Soloists William McCorkle, director

The Origin Ensemble

Kyle Nielsen, director

Music of Bach and Handel

Sunday February 12 at 3PM,

Lexington Presbyterian Church

Advance tickets on-line: $12.50 / $35 family or

At the door: $15 / $40 family

W&L's Equality Gala

The LGBTQ+ Equality Gala (formerly Virginia Colleges LGBTQ+ Equality Gala) is an annual charity event hosted at Washington and Lee University where we have food, music, dancing, and drag queens in order to celebrate LGBTQ+ identity and raise money for the Shenandoah LGBTQ Center in Staunton, VA. We would LOVE it if you would come to the event and celebrate with us! W&L will be celebrating their 11th year hosting this event.

Thanks from the Girl Scouts

A special thanks to all who bought cookies from the Girl Scouts last weekend!

Hosting Ukrainian Families

A humanitarian outreach effort organized by citizens of Lexington, Buena Visa, and Rockbridge County, we aim to pave the way for sponsoring temporary re-settlement of families who qualify for entry according to the laws of the United States.

The mission of Hosting Ukrainian Families is based upon love, compassion, and humanitarian concerns for families seeking to live in peace. Accordingly, a call is issued to each person joining in this effort to set aside all political, culturally divisive viewpoints, and all differences which may hinder or defeat these goals. To donate, click the link below.

In Thanksgiving for February Birthdays

2/12 Rowan Moles

2/15 Rick Pollard

2/17 Keith Prince

2/19 Rose Hein

2/21 Steve Riethmiller

2/23 Beverly Tucker, Graham Hess

2/24 Holt Merchant

2/25 Jeanne Passmore

2/27 Joseph Henson

2/28 Caitie Carrington

2/28 Erin Carrington


We're so glad you're here! If you or someone you know is new to Grace and would like more information about Parish life, follow the link below.

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