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Life With Grace | September 20

Writer's picture: Grace Episcopal ChurchGrace Episcopal Church
A large group of people seated outdoors facing a historic stone church during a worship service. The church features a prominent arched doorway and a circular stained glass window above the entrance. Trees and greenery surround the scene on a bright sunny day.
Join us this weekend for worship outside!

Dear Friends,

The Gospel this Sunday includes the tightly composed juxtaposition of the disciples hearing Jesus teaching about his crucifixion, then debating who is greatest in the reign of God, and the seeing Jesus take a child into his arms and teach them, “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.”

The most devout followers of Jesus struggle to keep our focus on divine things such as a concern for the vulnerable and marginalized, care for the child, for example.  

How long does it take after celebrating Eucharist with its charge to "go in peace to love and serve" for our focus to return to competitive elections and playoffs and bankrupt gossip? For me it is often a seamless transition.

Envy exerts a constant gravitational pull on us, drawing us continually into rivalry and upstaging.  As we compete for candidates and teams we lose ourselves and all sense of the things that really matter to God - the welfare of children, safety for the vulnerable, healing for the sick, a community of belonging for the lost, the left out, and the left behind, a way of life that doesn't put the lives of other creatures in mortal danger. 

Jesus isn't angry with his disciples for their lapse into rivalry.  But he knows that this most human tendency will destroy us if we can't see the truth of God and pull ourselves back into the right relationship with those who need our help, protection, friendship rather than fighting to be the most powerful. 

As we approach the election, we might daily repeat and try to internalize the spirit of this Sunday's collect:

Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall endure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

With Gratitude,

Tuck Bowerfind (he/him) Recotr | Grace Episcopal Church

Blue Ridge Outdoor School - When entering the church driveway, please be aware that the children are in the churchyard in the morning from 8:45–9:00 a.m.and in the afternoon from approximately 2:50 p.m.–3:15 p.m. There may be a cone in the driveway to prevent cars from coming in to quickly; you may still park in the lot. Thank you!

Worship Services | Celtic Service| Sunday, September 22

Holy Eucharist Rt 1 | 8 a.m. | In Person and Zoom

Christianity and Culture | 9:15 a.m. | In Person and Zoom

Sunday, September 22 - Bob Biersack - President of Board, Rockbridge Conservation - Bob will talk about the moral imperative of stewardship in taking care of our much beloved Rockbridge County, Lexington, and the world. We will learn about the important role each one of us plays in protecting the ecosystem and the culture.  He will share ways that Rockbridge Conservation tries to support those responsibilities in many different contexts. 

Upcoming Christianity and Culture Session

Sunday, September 29 - Catherine Siegel - Roots and Shoots

Read this Episcopal News Service article on last week's call with St Marc's School in Haiti.

Holy Eucharist Rt II | 10:30 a.m. | In-Person on the Patio (Weather permitting) and on Zoom

This Sunday, everyone is invited to follow the pipes and drums to a special after-service fellowship reception in front of the parish hall (inside only if weather insists). JOIN THE CELEBRATION BY WEARING YOUR  TARTANS!!

This "Teatime" fellowship will be hosted by Susan, Luke, and John in honor of John's Clan Keith heritage, as well as the Celtic heritage of any and all parishioners!! Wonderful goodies and tea will be served, authentically sourced from our friends at the Celtic Tides shop downtown. 

Women's Bible Study | 3:30 p.m.

The Women's Bible Study is changing their time to 3:30 p.m. on Sundays

The Season of Creation

We will be using the "Season of Creation" liturgy throughout September.

9/29 - 8 a.m. indoors/10:30 a.m. outdoors - Blessing of the Animals

The celebration of this Season began in 1989 when Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios I established September 1 as a Day of Prayer for Creation for the Orthodox Church. The World Council of Churches extended the celebration to October 4th, the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi. The yearly themes, logos, and other resources are provided by the ecumenical organization to which we belong as members of the Anglican Communion. The Rt. Rev. Marc Andrus, Bishop of California, represents the Episcopal Church on the steering committee. More information and resources for various activities and events outside of the primary Sunday morning worship service may be found on the website.

The theme for 2024 is To Hope and Act with Creation. In the letter of Paul the apostle to the Romans, the biblical image pictures the Earth as a Mother, groaning as in childbirth (Rom 8:22). Francis of Assisi understood this when he referred to the Earth as our sister and our mother in his Canticle of Creatures. The times we live in show that we are not relating to the Earth as a gift from our Creator, but rather as a resource to be used. And yet, there is hope and the expectation for a better future. To hope in a biblical context does not mean to stand still and quiet, but rather groaning, crying, and actively striving for new life amidst the struggles. Just as in childbirth, we go through a period of intense pain, but new life springs forth.


For Creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God, groaning as it suffers together the pains of labor, and not only Creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for the redemption of our bodies. For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope, for who hopes for what one already sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. Selection from Romans 8:19-25

Season of Creation Call to Action! Grace can be part of the NUT AND ACORN COLLECTION success story! The Virginia Department of Forestry is collecting nuts and acorns, nurturing them to seedlings, and planting for the future! And, yes! Walnuts are much needed! Just collect the nuts or acorns--label what kind they are. If you don't know, put a leaf of the tree from which the nuts/acorns dropped. Please bring in paper or burlap bags or baskets or bowls-no plastic. Don't mix nuts or acorns. Bring them to church by Monday, Oct. 7, and Martha Burford will deliver them to the DOF before the Oct. 15 deadline. DOF call for action

Morning Prayer | Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.

In-Person & Zoom

Music Announcements

Grace Episcopal Church offers Choral Evensong celebrating the Feast of Michael and All Angels, Sunday, September 29, 5pm. The service lasts approximately 45 minutes and offers music, scripture, and prayers. Featured composers are Joanna Forbes L'Estrange, June Nixon, Alice Parker, and S.S. Wesley. All are welcome to the service and reception that follows. For details contact Martha Burford

On November 3, the Choir, accompanied by string quartet and continuo will offer Cantata 196, "Der Herr denket an uns" ("The Lord is mindful of us") by J.S. Bach during the 10:30a.m. service. Quite possibly Bach's earliest surviving cantata, the Biblical texts celebrate the blessings of God and our gratitude in return. If you would like to listen to this beautiful piece beforehand, this link is to a fabulous performance of it:

Save the date, Nov. 9, 7pm for "Carry the Flame: The Bob Glidden Music Legacy." Concert conducted by Dr. André Thomas and Dr. Brandon Boyd, hosted by Grace Episcopal Church and featuring Rockbridge Youth Chorale, Choirs of Southern Virginia University, Washington and Lee, and Grace Episcopal Church, and other fabulous local musicians!

First Fridays for Kids! Grace Episcopal Church hosts First Friday for Kids Friday, October 4, 5 -7 pm. While parents enjoy the galleries and more of First Fridays Downtown, Grace Episcopal, just down the hill at 123 W. Washington Street, offers Art and Music on the Grace Episcopal Church Courtyard. Origami, drumming, singing, and other art projects will be led by teachers, who are certified in Safe Church Education. For details contact Martha Burford

Fall Youth Event

We are excited to announce that this years, Fall Youth Event will be held at Boys Home of Virginia, located in beautiful Covington. Boys Home, an outreach ministry of the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia provides a stable and supportive environment for young men who have faced significant adversities. You can read more about their mission and ministry here.

Several of these young men have attended our Youth@Convention for the past several years and we are excited to hold our fall event on their campus! This year, we will combine service and fun by beginning our day with a small project for Boys Home. After completing our service project, the afternoon will be filled with fun. With a gym, plenty of outdoor space, an indoor and outdoor chapel, dining hall and hiking nearby, the rest of our weekend will be jam packed with games and activities!

Register today for a weekend of service and community as we seek to worship, pray, play and serve! All middle and high school youth are invited to join.

Event Info

WHEN: Nov. 16-17, 2024

Check-in: Saturday, Nov. 16, between 9:30-10:00 a.m. (Please eat breakfast prior to arrival).

Check-out: Sunday, Nov. 17, at 1:30 p.m.


WHERE: Boys Home of Virginia, 414 Boys Home Rd, Covington, VA 24426

WHO: 6th-12th graders & adult chaperones

COST: $75 (includes lodging, activities, lunch & dinner on Saturday, and breakfast & lunch on Sunday) 

TRANSPORTATION: Parents will be responsible for Saturday drop-off and Sunday afternoon pick-up at Boys Home. (*Please see registration form if your child will be driving to the event separately.*)

An email will be sent out closer to the event if transportation by convocation is possible.

The Rockbridge Racial Equity Coalition

The Rockbridge Racial Equity Coalition invites you to hear experts speak on “Understanding Homelessness in Rockbridge County: Risk Factors, Scope, and Resources” on Tuesday, September 24, 6–7:30 p.m. in the RARA Community Room or on Zoom

Dining Groups

We are excited to invite you to join our Church Dining Groups—a delightful opportunity to build connections, share meals, and grow in fellowship with one another.   Whether you choose Sunday brunch, lunch or dinner, in-home, out or a combination is up to you!  Please contact Drusie Milford or Ruth Smith at 910-409-9325 to join a group (and indicate your preferential meeting time).  All are welcome!  Deadline for signup is October 1st.

Paws to Connect

Paws to Connect is back and better than ever! Join us every Tuesday and Wednesday this semester from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the steps of Grace. Our pups can't wait to see you!

The Clothes Closet

The Clothes Closet, run by our colleagues at Christ Episcopal Church, Buena Vista, could use some assistance, both with donations for their stock as well as volunteers to help run the operation from 9am till noon each first and third Saturday of the month. Christ Church initially established the closet, and volunteers from our church, as well as some funding provided by our Gadsden Trust, helped expand it into a more robust operation. It is open to all persons and is currently well stocked except for needing these items: children's coats, men's size small shirts and jeans, men's T-shirts of all sizes, bath towels, pots and pans, baking dishes, blankets, queen and full sheets, and women's purses. Please drop any donated items or financial contributions for the Clothes Closet at Christ Church when it’s open.

Student Ministry in Action
Edwin Rencarge '27, Michael McLaughlin and Patrick France at the W&L Religious Activities Fair
Graceful Play

Graceful Play is a program for early childhood and early elementary children. Graceful Play blends curriculum elements from Godly Play and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Marjorie Connolly and Melanie Griffis will offer Graceful Play during the 10:30 service on 9/15, 9/22 and 9/29 (there will also be dates in Oct/Nov/Dec). They will lead children out during the hymn before the gospel lesson and bring them back at the Peace. Email Marjorie Connolly with questions.

Unmasking Racism in Anti-Racism Education

Youth Ministry with Rev. Dr. Jia Starr Brown | September 18 - October 2 | 12 - 1:30 p.m. Eastern 3 Sessions I Zoom

Project Horizon's Latin Festival

Sunday, September 22, 2024 9:00 AM — 5:00 PM Brewbaker Field, Lexington, VA


What To Expect:

Soccer tournament, dance performances showcasing Salsa, Bachata, Tango, and more, a variety of food vendors offering delicious Latin American dishes (Colombia, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Mexico and more), and fun activities for children and families. Bring your friends and family to experience the lively atmosphere, connect with the community, and enjoy a day filled with cultural enrichment and entertainment.

How to Participate:

Volunteer: We welcome volunteers to help with event setup, activities, and cleanup. If you are interested, please email

Spread the Word: Help us spread the word by sharing this email with your friends and on social media using the hashtag #LexingtonvaLatinFest

We look forward to celebrating with you and making this festival a memorable event for everyone. For more information, please visit our website here. En Español | Project Horizon or contact us at

New Coffee Hour Schedule

The following team leaders will host Sunday morning coffee hours. Please thank our Coffee Hour team leaders!

 September 22 team leaders TBD.  If you would be willing to help lead coffee hour this day please contact Tuck.

September 29 team leaders are Ruth Smith and Chris Young

October 6 team leaders are Cecile West-Settle and Elizabeth Boetsch

October 13 team leaders are Lynn Dent and Bill Kozak

October 20 team leaders are Drew Sorber, Madelyn Stuart, Connor Rothermel, and Rose Hein.

Team leaders would welcome assistance.  Please contact team leaders directly if you are available to help!

The Wall that Heals Program

As you know, The Wall That Heals is a three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial along with a mobile Education Center. It will be at the Jackson River Sports Complex in Covington, from October 3rd – October 6th, and will be open 24 hours a day. It is free to the public. The Wall That Heals honors the more than three million Americans who served in the U.S. Armed forces in the Vietnam War, and it bears the names of the 58,281 men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam.

We are relieved this event has been well funded – we have successfully raised enough to support bringingThe Wall That Heals to our area and to cover needs for supporting the event while it is here. We appreciate your willingness to support this unique opportunity. We are now seeking help spreading the word about The Wall That Heals as we continue to move forward. We would love if you could help spread the word.

The Wall That Heals will be escorted through downtown Lexington on October 1st. We hope our community will come out to cheer as the truck is escorted through downtown Lexington. If you know any community members, schools, or organizations, or church groups that may be interested in a tour, or who would like to volunteer for this event, check out the following website for schedules, contacts and opportunities available:

Update on the Trex Challenge

We have our new Trex Bench!  It is on the courtyard with the other benches. 

Thanks so much to everyone for your support in this program.  We plan to enroll again in October for a new challenge.  We have already accumulated quite a bit of plastic toward the next challenge.

Project Horizon Seeking Volunteers

There will be a training session in October. If you are interested call and get your name on the list for the training session. Project Horizon desires empathetic, thoughtful, and motivated volunteers of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to help us accomplish our mission of eradicating domestic, sexual, and dating violence through empowerment of survivors, and by being a sanctuary for victims. We need your help to provide these vital services as Rockbridge County’s only domestic violence shelter and hotline.

Project Horizon was founded in 1982 by a group of women sitting around a kitchen table. Today, we provide a 24-hour crisis hotline, free counseling services, an emergency shelter for victims, outreach to underrepresented communities, and educational programming for kindergarten through college-aged students.  

Volunteers play an integral role in Project Horizon’s mission by answering hotline calls, providing office support, interacting with shelter residents, working with employees on specific projects, such as translation or art projects, and assisting staff with events.

For information about volunteering and to sign up for our next training, contact volunteer coordinator Janice Burguieres at 540-463-7861or

Wanted: Sunday School Teachers

We are looking for youth, college students, and adults to help with Sunday School from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. each Sunday. A stipend is available. Contact Tuck for more information.

Prayer List

Please pray for the wider Church and intercessions requested by our Congregants: Pray for Presiding Bishop Curry, for The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, Presiding Bishop-Elect. Pray for Diocese of Southwestern Virginia, and our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Mark Bourlakas. Pray today for the Youth of the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia, our Canon for Christian Formation, Pattie Ames and our Canon for Evangelism & Youth, Jenni Faires. Pray for Brendon, Timmy, John Perry, Glen Jones, Jack Hershbell, Laura Stearns, Lynda deMaria, Polly Lawrence, Betty Cadden, Jeff Mason, Joe Irby, Kent Wilson,  Diana Kenney, Jerry & Ann Nay, Paula Cooper, Penny & Ned Henneman, Barbara Bova, Shelby, Sharon Humphreys, Nancy Mastin, Elizabeth Klein, Cullen Bahr (friend of Drusie Milford), Mary Etta Randolph, Carl & Rachel Pattison, Jane Drewry (sister-in-law of Ruth Smith), Barb Ostrander (cousin of John Milford), Grace, Sue Hill, Frances Harcus, Glenn & Christine Szarzynski, Palmer Stickley and his family, Mercedes Aravena-Echaurren, Helen Moore, Patricia Williams, Christy Panko, Kitty Farrar, Justin, Rodrigo, Wes O’Dell and family, Peggy DePasquale, Nick Penn, Danny Anson (friend of Pat & Keith Gibson), Bill Cannon, and those we name aloud or in our hearts. Pray for the people of Israel, Gaza, Sudan, Haiti, Ukraine, and pray for cessation of violence, and for reconciliation, and peace. Pray for those who have died.

In Thanksgiving for September Birthdays

9/20    Keith Gibson, Spencer Tucker

9/21    Chris Howison, Barbara Luton

9/22    Ann Nay, Elizabeth Oliver

9/24    Graham Centorino

9/25    Darlene Keane

9/26    Heidi Schweizer, Page Donkle

9/28    Winifred Hart

9/30    Mo Littlefield, Lynda Bassett-DeMaria


We're so glad you're here! If you or someone you know is new to Grace and would like more information about Parish life, follow the link below.


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