Dear Friends,
Blessed Christmas. The gospel for this fourth Sunday of Advent focuses on Mary's visit to her elder cousin Elizabeth who is more than six months pregnant with John. Through their conversation the Holy Spirit inspires both of them to deliver prophetic oracles.
Neither of these holy mothers is a passive vessel. Both reveal understanding, insight and engagement with God's salvation of the world. In particular, Mary's song of praise and joy reveals the great depth of her own theological reflection. She understands herself in continuity with the promises received by Abraham and their fulfillment in the one for which all future generations will call her blessed. The truth of God, God's grace and mercy, is being revealed to the world through her, and she knows it!
Mary reminds me of how important inner life is. Mary has acquired and nurtured hope in God her Savior. Not in herself, or her circumstances, or her nation.
Her engagement with scripture is evident in her understanding of the promises and the character of God. She knows God's work - not the enthronement of emperors, but the ennobling of the humble poor. Not the benefactor of the rich, but the provider for the hungry. Not the protector of the tyrant, but the liberator of the oppressed. The cornerstone of community at peace within itself and among its neighbors through the work of justice, lovingkindness, and humble companionship.
Her knowledge of God is the source of her joy, her hope, her kindness, and her courage to travel alone into the hill country of Judea and find Elizabeth, her kindred in prophecy and in the plan of salvation.
Lord, let me be more like Mary. Give me the spirit to recognize, welcome, and rejoice in your daily visitation. Give me grace and courage like her to join you in your work with zeal, trusting in your promise of peace on earth.
With Gratitude,
Tuck Bowerfind (he/him) Rector | Grace Episcopal Church
Worship Services | Fourth Sunday of Advent | Sunday, December 22
Holy Eucharist Rt I | 8 a.m. | In-Person and on YouTube
Christianity and Culture | 9:15 a.m. | In-Person and Zoom
Dec 22 - Tuck will discuss this Sunday's lectionary
Upcoming Christianity and Culture Sessions
Dec 29 - No Christianity and Culture
Jan 5 - Jesus, true human, Anne Hansen presenting
Jan 19 - St. John's Bible, Brad Neary and Liz Moss presenting
Jan 26 - One holy, catholic, apostolic, David Cox presenting
Holy Eucharist Rt II | 10:30 a.m. | In-Person and on YouTube
Women's Bible Study
Women's Bible Study will resume on January 5th
Christmas Services
Join us for our Christmas Services
All services will be streamed on our YouTube.
December 22: Advent 4
Holy Eucharist Rt I 8:00 a.m.
Holy Eucharist Rt II 10:30 a.m.
The Great "O" Antiphons of Advent 5:00 p.m. (In-Person only)
December 24: The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ: Christmas Eve
5:00 p.m. & 10:30 p.m.
December 25: The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ: Christmas Day
10:30 a.m.
December 29: The First Sunday After Christmas
Holy Eucharist Rt I 8:00 a.m.
Lessons & Carols with Holy Eucharist 10:30 a.m.
Christmas Poinsettias Dedications
Christmas poinsettias are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of: Marion McNair & Arthur Chauncy Drewry, Sarah Orr & James Arthur Smith Jr., Donna Hladik Smith, Waller Garland Wills III, Allison Elizabeth Smith by Ruth & Jimbo Smith; Thelma & Homer Stout, Glen & Lorraine Lemmer, Jack Lemmer by Janet & Greg Lemmer; David Coffey by Dan & Macy Coffey; Our family and many friends we miss everyday but especially at this festive time by Peggy & Steve Riethmiller; Marc Silvia by Lisa & Patrick McGuire, James David Burford by Martha Burford; Boodles, Jack, Willie, and Karl by Martha Burford and Anne Sauder; Jim & Sally Brunson, Locey & Bettie Simcoe by Grace & Joe Simcoe; Al Elmore by Carole Elmore; Stephen Lee Denson by Susan Denson; Rob Minor by Su Minor; Barton Dick by Gail Dick, Farris Hotchkiss by his family; John & Mary Brown, Malcolm & Eleanor Lowe by Katharine & Madison Brown; The Rev. Brewster Ford, by Katharine & Madison Brown, Robert & Pricilla Warn, Robert Warn III, and Janet Walthour Warn by Margaret Haberman.
And in thanksgiving for: Anne & Jackson Hershbell’s 40 years of marriage; In gratitude for the clergy, staff, and all people of Grace by Martha Burford.
Morning Prayer | Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.
In-Person & Zoom
Lanford Mission Emergency Fund Christmas Appeal
In the words of Teresa of Avila, we are “the hands, feet, eyes, and body of Christ in our world.” As we approach Christmas and reflect on those words, the Christian Outreach Committee asks you to consider a Christmas donation to the Lanford Mission Emergency Fund.
Begun in this parish in 1984, the LMEF primarily assists residents of Rockbridge County who request emergency financial help with rent, utilities, and temporary emergency housing. Most requests come to Grace through RARA (Rockbridge Area Relief Association) which does the vetting to verify need. Grace continues to partner with RARA, Lexington Presbyterian, and St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church to share in payments. Through December 3, the LMEF extended a helping hand to 140 of our neighbors in need.
Partial funding for the LMEF comes from Grace’s Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving loose plate offerings. A donation to the LMEF can be made through your Christmas offering in the form of a check made out to Grace Episcopal Church with “Lanford MEF” noted on the memo line as well as online (select "Christmas Offering" under fund)
The Christian Outreach Committee sincerely thanks everyone who contributed to the LMEF through their Thanksgiving offerings. Your continued, generous support for this long-time Grace Episcopal ministry is greatly appreciated!
Chrismon Ornaments
Last Sunday our beautiful Chrismon ornaments were hung on the tree. If you are curious about what each Chrismon symbolizes, there are pamphlets on the small table by the tree. Please take one and learn more about this meaningful Christmas tradition.
Journey to Bethlehem: No Room at the Inn
Mary and Joseph are spending the night at our parishioners' houses again this year. We would love it if you would take a picture of your family with Mary and Joseph and send it to Martha Burford, who will post your pictures on Facebook. After Mary and Joseph have spent the night, you will need to make arrangements to pass them on to the next family. The last family (Dec. 23rd) are asked to bring Mary and Joseph to the 5:00 pm Christmas Eve service where Baby Jesus will be waiting for them. If you would like to host Mary & Joseph, please email Michael.
The Saint John's Bible
The Saint John’s Bible Presentation (RSVP Required)
Saturday, January 18, 2025
10 am to 1:30 pm (lunch provided)
Plan to attend a special presentation on The Saint John’s Bible, the first illuminated, handwritten Bible to be commissioned by a Benedictine Abbey in more than 500 years. This special training is especially for those interested in learning more in depth about the Saint John’s Bible and/or for those considering a role in helping to share the Bible with our parish and in the community during our 3 month “season” with the volume of Gospels & Acts. The training session will be from 10 am to 1:30 pm and lunch will be provided. Please RSVP here by January 7th if you are planning to attend.
Brad Neary, Director of The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Program, will share the story of how Saint John’s Abbey & University (Collegeville, MN), in 1998 commissioned this unique work of Scripture and sacred art as a gift to the world for the new Millennium. The 1,150-page manuscript was created by Donald Jackson, former Senior Scribe to Her Royal Majesty The Late Queen Elizabeth II Crown Office, along with a small collaborative team of scribes and artists. Traditional materials were used, including vellum, ancient inks, precious metals and quill pens fashioned from goose, turkey and swan feathers.
In an effort to fully realize the mission of The Saint John’s Bible – to ignite the spiritual imagination of people around the world on all faith journeys – a full-sized, fine art printed Heritage Edition was produced using cutting-edge 21st-century technology. This limited Edition is bound in Italian leather and features the exquisite calligraphy, vibrant imagery and stunning embossed illuminations inspired by the original; only 299 of these 7-volume sets were crafted. Neary will share the story of the Heritage Edition’s creation and will recount how this work is profoundly inspiring individuals and communities around the world. Neary will have the Gospels & Acts volume of the Heritage Edition available for attendees to experience following his presentation.
Brad Neary's Bio
Brad Neary serves as Director of The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Program at Saint John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota. The Heritage Program is an international initiative for individuals and institutions to explore the artistic and spiritual beauty of The Saint John’s Bible—the first hand-written, hand-illuminated monumental Bible in 500 years.
Neary is a 1981 graduate of Saint John’s University and served as the University’s Assistant to the President from 1981 to 1984. Neary earned his master’s degree in Human Resources & Industrial Relations from the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management in 1987 and held senior positions at TRW, KeyCorp, and Medtronic over the course of his 20-year career as a human resources professional.
Neary returned to Saint John’s in 2008 and began serving as Senior Development Officer (major gifts) on the University’s Institutional Advancement team. In 2013, Neary combined his fundraising work with a half-time Director role on The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Program team. As of May 1, 2022, Neary transitioned to his current full-time role with the Heritage Program.
Neary resides in and works from Seattle where he is an active member of his Episcopal church, Epiphany Parish, and an even more active father to his teenage daughter, Moira.
Saint John’s Bible Welcome Event
Saturday, January 18, 2025
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Grace Episcopal Church
123 W. Washington St, Lexington, Virginia
Please join us as we welcome Volume 7 (Gospels & Acts) of the Heritage Edition of The Saint John’s Bible. The Saint John’s Bible is the first illuminated, handwritten Bible to be commissioned by a Benedictine Abbey in more than 500 years.
Saint John’s Abbey & University (Collegeville, MN), in 1998 commissioned this unique work of Scripture and sacred art as a gift to the world for the new Millennium. The 1,150-page manuscript was created by Donald Jackson, former Senior Scribe to Her Royal Majesty The Late Queen Elizabeth II Crown Office, along with a small collaborative team of scribes and artists. Traditional materials were used, including vellum, ancient inks, precious metals and quill pens fashioned from goose, turkey and swan feathers.
In an effort to fully realize the mission of The Saint John’s Bible – to ignite the spiritual imagination of people around the world on all faith journeys – a full-sized, fine art printed Heritage Edition was produced using cutting-edge 21st-century technology. This limited Edition is bound in Italian leather and features the exquisite calligraphy, vibrant imagery and stunning embossed illuminations inspired by the original; only 299 of these 7-volume sets were crafted.
The volume will be hosted by Grace Episcopal Church during February, March, and April and during that time it will be inspiring us in our worship and study of scripture. We also desire to share it within our community. Please contact the church office ( 540-463-4981) or Liz Moss (540-233-1048) if you would like to engage with the Bible.
Youth at Convention
Get ready for our biggest event of the year with youth from across Southwestern Virginia. Registration is open for Youth@Convention 2025! All middle and high school youth are invited to join us for a weekend of live music, small groups, and youth centered worship. We are excited to announce that our service project will be making beds with Sleep in Heavenly Peace. January 24–26, 2025 | St. John's Roanoke. Registration deadline is Wednesday, Jan. 15. We can't wait to see you!
The Winter Star Intergenerational Mini Musical
Join us for this beautiful "mini-musical" telling of the Christmas Story. Dr. Mackenzie Romriell and Martha Jones Burford will lead all ages of shepherds, magi, angels, sheep, and others in this beautiful, easy to learn, story of the star over the manger as it calls the world to the Love Incarnate, the Christ Child. The three Saturday rehearsals will involve singing, movement, and art making (creating costumes, the set, and props). The production will take place as the Pageant during Grace Episcopal Church's 5pm Christmas Eve service. Participants must sign up so we know whom to expect.
For information contact Martha.
ACTS Call for Members
What is Grace Actively Caring Through Sharing (ACTS)?
How can I be a part of it?
Grace ACTS is an important ministry to the parishioners and the community of our church. Our four teams consist of over 20 people or family units that volunteer for the Grace ACTS ministry. Each team has about 6 members and is on duty every 4 weeks. Grace ACTS members select two or more needs from the list when their team is on duty. Team members pray for, call, visit or send a card to those on the list that are ill, have had a death in their family or are celebrating a new baby or a birthday. Please continue to pray for this vital ministry to our parish. If you have a pastoral concern or know of someone who does please contact Fr. Tuck, Melissa Cox or the Parish Office. If you would like to serve on a team, please contact Melissa.
Clothes Closet at Christ Episcopal
The Clothes Closet at Christ Episcopal in Buena Vista is in urgent need of jackets/coats for boys and girls both in childhood and in their teenage years. If your child/grandchild has outgrown last year's coat, please consider donating it to the Clothes Closet, which is open the first and third Saturdays of the month from 9-12 noon. Alternatively you may leave the jacket with Lisa in our church office and she will see that it gets to Christ Episcopal. Update: They are also in need of everyday silverware. Thank you!
Year-End Capital Giving
Friendly update and reminder: In addition to our seasonal stewardship campaign to fund operating expenses of the Parish, Parish Hall improvements will soon be upon us! Grace has established this year a designated capital improvements account as part of funding preparations. If you have achieved the age where you are taking required minimum distributions (RMD’s) from your IRA, and are inspired by generous returns from the stock markets this year, you are reminded that you may make qualified charitable distributions (QCD’s) from your IRA over and above your RMD (up to $100,000) to the church and this capital account, which will not be taxed as ordinary income! Of course, please consult your financial advisor for details.
Walk in Love Stewardship Campaign
This Sunday we are handing out pledge cards. Monday we will mail cards to parishioners who were not at church. Thank you to everyone who has already pledged to the Walk in Love pledge campaign to fund the 2025 operating budget of Grace Episcopal Church. Every pledge helps us with our planning for the year to come. We will list the names of those who have made a pledge every week, as well as the total pledged to date in the Parish News Life with Grace. Our goal is between 120-130 pledges totaling $540,000. To date we have received pledges from 118 households totaling $532,884.
Thanks to our contributing households thus far!
Pam & Jim Adams
Lori Apgar
John & Cecilia Arpin
Doug Ayer
Anne Blanken
Laurent & Elizabeth Boetsch
Peter Bowerfind
Tucker & Delea Bowerfind
Jane Brooke
Madison & Katharine Brown
Ruth Brunner
Martha Ann Burford
Bettie Cadden
Betsy & Buddy Carter
David & Marjorie Connolly
Virginia Cooke
R. David & Melissa Cox
Ed & Marlys Craun
Jay & Joan Crawford
Roger & Anna Crockett
Dennis & Susan Cross
Susan Denson
Lynn & Carol Dent
Barton & Gail Dick
John & Gail Dickerson
Punky Dod
Langston & Page Donkle
Ed & Lu Dooley
Jonathan Eastwood & Maria Nava
Will & Cary Edgar
Don & Claudia Ellis
Carole Elmore
Matthew Fogo & Kevin Manning
Patrick France
Tim & Catharine Gaylard
Keith & Pat Gibson
Rene' Glidden
Rose Gordon
Tom & Carol Gosse
Julianne Grimes
David & Anne F Grizzle
Peter & Julia Grover
Margaret Haberman
Woody & Becky Hall
David & Anne Hansen
Sandy & Catherine Harcus
Elizabeth Harralson
Diana Harris
Winifred Hart
Helen Head
Jack & Anne Hershbell
Drew & Megan Hess
Harold & Kathryn Hill
Kay Horner
Judy Hotchkiss
David & Chris Howison
Benjamin & Laurie Huger
Patrick & Phyllis Hugg
Gini Jardim
James & Darlene Keane
Suzanne Keen & Fran MacDonald
Diana Kenney
Deborah & Bill Klein
John & Beth Knapp
Helen Kostel
Bill & Kathy Kozak
Sharon & Frederick Kurtz
Greg & Janet Lemmer
Buster & Signe Lewis
Mo & Julia Littlefield
Jeff & Meg Mason
M.J. Mayerchak
William McCorkle
Pat & Lisa McGuire
Jo McMurtry
Susan Mead
John & Drusie Milford
Su Minor
Joseph & Abby Moles
Helen Moore
Liz Moss
Grigg & Cindy Mullen
Ann & Jerry Nay
Elaine Nelson
Mark Nelson
David O'Connor & Linda Merrick
David & Nan Partlett
David & Jeanne Passmore
George & Eleanor Penn
Michael Perry
Shay Peters
Henry Porter
Tim & Mary Price Mary Etta Randolph
Colin Reid
Steve & Peggy Riethmiller
Joanne & Paul Robblee
Cynthia Robertson
Martha & Don Robey
Woody & Lori Sadler
Nanalou Sauder
Bill Sayre & Melissa Gladwell-Sayre
Judy Schram
Frank Settle, Jr. & Cecile West-Settle
Sue & Steve Shultis
Clark & Raeanna Simcoe
Ham & AP Smith
Jimbo & Ruth Smith
Sarah Stockton
Paul Strickland
Lisa Tracy
Spencer & Beverly Tucker
David Wade
Harry & Marnie Wheeler
Kent & Mary Wilson
Michael & Beverly Wirtz
Connor Wolfe
Christina YoungPam & Jim Adams
Lori Apgar
John & Cecilia Arpin
Doug Ayer
Anne Blanken
Laurent & Elizabeth Boetsch
Peter Bowerfind
Tucker & Delea Bowerfind
Jane Brooke
Madison & Katharine Brown
Ruth Brunner
Martha Ann Burford
Bettie Cadden
Betsy & Buddy Carter
David & Marjorie Connolly
Virginia Cooke
R. David & Melissa Cox
Ed & Marlys Craun
Jay & Joan Crawford
Roger & Anna Crockett
Dennis & Susan Cross
Susan Denson
Lynn & Carol Dent
Barton & Gail Dick
John & Gail Dickerson
Punky Dod
Langston & Page Donkle
Ed & Lu Dooley
Jonathan Eastwood & Maria Nava
Will & Cary Edgar
Don & Claudia Ellis
Carole Elmore
Matthew Fogo & Kevin Manning
Patrick France
Tim & Catharine Gaylard
Keith & Pat Gibson
Rene' Glidden
Rose Gordon
Tom & Carol Gosse
Julianne Grimes
David & Anne F Grizzle
Peter & Julia Grover
Margaret Haberman
Woody & Becky Hall
David & Anne Hansen
Sandy & Catherine Harcus
Elizabeth Harralson
Diana Harris
Winifred Hart
Helen Head
Jack & Anne Hershbell
Drew & Megan Hess
Harold & Kathryn Hill
Kay Horner
Judy Hotchkiss
David & Chris Howison
Benjamin & Laurie Huger
Patrick & Phyllis Hugg
Gini Jardim
James & Darlene Keane
Suzanne Keen & Fran MacDoanell
Diana Kenney
Deborah & Bill Klein
John & Beth Knapp
Helen Kostel
Bill & Kathy Kozak
Sharon & Frederick Kurtz
Greg & Janet Lemmer
Buster & Signe Lewis
Mo & Julia Littlefield
Jeff & Meg Mason
M.J. Mayerchak
William McCorkle
Pat & Lisa McGuire
Jo McMurtry
Susan Mead
John & Drusie Milford
Su Minor
Joseph & Abby Moles
Helen Moore
Liz Moss
Grigg & Cindy Mullen
Ann & Jerry Nay
Elaine Nelson
Mark Nelson
David O'Connor & Linda Merrick
David & Nan Partlett
David & Jeanne Passmore
George & Eleanor Penn
Michael Perry
Shay Peters
Henry Porter
Tim & Mary Price
Colin Reid
Steve & Peggy Riethmiller
Joanne & Paul Robblee
Cynthia Robertson
Martha & Don Robey
Woody & Lori Sadler
Nanalou Sauder
Bill Sayre & Melissa Gladwell-Sayre
Judy Schram
Frank Settle, Jr. & Cecile West-Settle
Sue & Steve Shultis
Clark & Raeanna Simcoe
Ham & AP Smith
Jimbo & Ruth Smith
Sarah Stockton
Paul Strickland
Lisa Tracy
Spencer & Beverly Tucker
David Wade
Harry & Marnie Wheeler
Kent & Mary Wilson
Michael & Beverly Wirtz
Connor Wolfe
Christina Young
Pledge something. You are a valuable member of the body of Christ. Most of your contribution to Christ's work is through the works of love you do for others every day in your work and personal life. You also share in the responsibility for maintaining and operating our facilities and ministries. Some members give $1/week, some give $400/week. Some give nothing. Whatever you commit and fulfill will be gratefully received and faithfully used for God's mission through Grace. Whether you give something or not, you are a beloved member of the parish and the body of Christ.
Consider pledging proportionally. As your income or net worth change, continue to give proportionally. For example - you can base your giving on a proportion of your gross annual income. Or if you have a positive net worth, you might consider basing your giving on a proportion of your net worth.
Consider tithing your income or net worth. Traditionally, tithing is ten percent of gross household income. Muslims have a different standard that you might consider. They give 2.4% of their gross positive net worth. If they have zero or negative net worth, they are not expected to give anything except time and talent.
Angel Tree is Here!
Angel Tree 2024 is virtual! Grace has chosen to sponsor 50 children.
Will you help connect children with their incarcerated parents and show them the love of Christ? It starts with a simple Christmas gift. To sponsor a child go to Grace’s Angel Tree site and select the child you would like to sponsor.
Virtual sponsorships will be available through Christmas. A Wal-Mart gift card in the amount of $30.00 will be sent to each individual child. You may choose one child or multiple children. Once you select a child, if they have siblings, you will be asked if you would like to sponsor their siblings. This is not required. If you choose to do so, all siblings will be in your “check out cart.” You can reduce the number of children once you proceed to your checkout cart. You will also be given the option to sponsor the caregiver and have a gift card sent to them. This is not required. You may pay by credit, debit and ACH. Note: In addition to showing the love of Jesus, your gift is tax deductible this year! You will receive a donation receipt upon virtual checkout.
Questions? Contact Sharon Kurtz at 828-424-3434, call or text.
Thank you for participating in this ministry to strengthen relationships between incarcerated parents and their children.
Holiday Church Open House
Friday, December 20 4–6 p.m. During the Open House at Grace, visitors are invited to see Nativity sets shared by our members. Martha Burford will play carols and invite all manner of fa-la-la singing, and candy canes will be offered! We look forward to visitors!
Greeter Team and Usher Team at Grace
Greeters take turns welcoming worshipers as they enter the churchyard to attend the service. They identify visiting guests, visitors, new members and extend a warm greeting. Greeter schedules are flexible to work with your availability. A great way to meet others at Grace. Contact Cecile West-Settle at, 540-570-3256.
Ushers help the service run smoothly by welcoming worshipers to the service and assisting them as needed. They distribute the service bulletin and help with the offering collection, communion and more. Schedules are flexible to work with your availability. Email or call Lisa McGuire at 540-463-4981.
Training provided, many benefits! Join TODAY
Paws to Connect
Thanks for a great semester of Paws to Connect! We'll see you after break!
Prayer List
Please pray for the wider Church and intercessions requested by our Congregants: Pray for Presiding Bishop The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe. Pray for Diocese of Southwestern Virginia, and our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Mark Bourlakas. Pray for the people of Christ Church, Pearisburg. Pray for Brendon, Timmy, John Perry, Glen Jones, Jack Hershbell, Laura Stearns, Lynda deMaria, Polly Lawrence, Betty Cadden, Jeff Mason, Joe Irby, Kent Wilson, Diana Kenney, Jerry & Ann Nay, Paula Cooper, Ned Henneman, Barbara Bova, Sharon Humphreys, Nancy Mastin, Elizabeth Klein, Cullen Bahr (friend of Drusie Milford), Mary Etta Randolph, Carl & Rachel Pattison, Grace, Frances Harcus, Palmer Stickley and his family, Mercedes Aravena-Echaurren, Patricia Williams, Justin, Rodrigo, Wes O’Dell and family, Peggy DePasquale, Nick Penn, Danny Anson (friend of Pat & Keith Gibson), Bill Cannon, Rebecca Robblee (daughter-in-law of Joanne & Paul Robblee), Tom Strickland, Virginia Poston (sister of Betsy Carter), Dot Fogo, Roger Baroody, Henry Porter, Buster Lewis, Joe Moles, Mo Littlefield, Michelle Evola (cousin og Darlene Keane), and those we name aloud or in our hearts. Pray for the people of Israel, Gaza, Sudan, Haiti, Ukraine, and pray for cessation of violence, and for reconciliation, and peace. Pray for those who have died, Jason Guadiane.
In Thanksgiving for December and January Birthdays
12/23 Carol Gosse, Julianne Grimes, Betsy Carter
12/24 Jordan Kach
12/25 Harrison Edgar
12/27 Joy Harris
12/30 Maggie Lawrence, Willow Moles, Buddy Carter
12/31 Grace Frascati
1/4 Colin Murphy
1/5 Elizabeth Branner, Martha Ann Burford
1/8 Laurent Boetsch, Kitty Farrar, Helen Moore, Connor Wolfe
1/10 Janet Lemmer, Peter Grover
1/ 11 Signe Lewis, Marnie Wheeler
1/14 Liz Moss
1/16 Gabrielle Frascati
1/18 Lee Sayre, Laurie Huger
1/19 Elizabeth Boetsch
1/20 Paul Strickland
1/21 Sarah Edgar
1/23 Virginia Cooke
1/26 Maille Carrington
1/27 Sean Carrington, Joseph Moles
1/29 Jane Brooke, Nan Partlett
1/30 Melissa Gladwell-Sayre, Cary Edgar
1/31 Tom Gosse
We're so glad you're here! If you or someone you know is new to Grace and would like more information about Parish life, follow the link below.