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Life With Grace | August 16

A young acolyte lights a candle on a church alter.
Join us this weekend for worship, won't you?

Dear Friends,

“We can do no great things, only small things with great love” Mother Theresa. Earlier today I was responding to email in the courtyard as I waited for a local arborist to arrive to consult on the willow oak and the red oak in front of the church...

I could overhear student guides bringing groups of visitors on tour of W&L on the other side of the boxwoods.  One guide said, This is Grace Episcopal Church which is not part of campus. And then walking on he added, "They do a lot of great things for our students."

What I heard is "Grace members do a lot of little things for students with great love."  And I know that is true.  For students and for many others. God's love transforming us impacts and transforms others in unexpected ways. As the author of Epesians wrote -Glory to God whose power working in us can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. 3:20

In Sunday's gospel we continue to reflect on Jesus words - I am the bread that came down from heaven. And the bread that I give for the life of the world is my flesh. 

The flesh of Jesus is God's incarnate love for the life and salvation of the world. We are not the source of that love.  But we can accept it, consume it, and let it change us into instruments, agents of divine grace.

Agents of grace make a huge difference in the lives of students by simply letting them know they have a friend beyond the school. Each of us can play an important part in our college ministry by doing some small things. Pay attention to the students who come to us.  Introduce yourself.  Invite a student to sit with you. Learn and remember their names. Perhaps at some point you might invite them to coffee or breakfast or lunch. 

Small things can do infinitely more than we can imagine when done with, for, and in God.

With Gratitude,

Tuck Bowerfind (he/him)

Rector | Grace Episcopal Church

Worship Services | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost | Proper Fifteen | Sunday, August 18

Holy Eucharist Rt I | 8 a.m. | In-Person and YouTube

Christianity and Culture | 9:15 a.m. | In Person and Zoom

Sunday, August 18 - Russian Orthodox Faith & Iconography symbolism & Spirituality, presented by Madelyn Stuart. A basic introduction to Eastern Orthodoxy and iconography, and then focus on practices of spirituality related to iconography and Slavic/Russian Orthodox literature. 

Upcoming Christianity and Culture Session

Sunday, August 25 - Rat Sunday: On the last Sunday of August, we will welcome our newest VMI Keydets  for a ‘get to know you’ session beginning at 9:00.   Michael McLaughlin and Steven Lowe, our college ministry team,  will be hosting this reception and serving refreshments.  Please bring your cell phones to share so they can call home after their first week as Rats.  We hope you will consider adopting/sponsoring one or two of these Rats.

Sunday, September 1 - speaker from CoreWorks - Ginny Jenkins - Boxerwood's newest program, COREworks is a homegrown carbon offset initiative created for the Rockbridge area. COREworks takes the concept of a large international offset marketplace and right-sizes it to benefit the local community. COREworks has two goals. First, to catalyze and fund new carbon-offsetting earth care projects locally, including tree plantings, composting, and solar arrays. Second, to engage community members, adults and children alike, in learning and conversation about eco-responsibility and stewardship. For more information, visit our website

Sunday, September 8 - Susan and MJ on Marc Nikkel Day (Wil provide next week)

Sunday, September 15 - Zoom with other churches re Haiti Collaboration

Sunday, September 22 - Bob Biersack - President of Board Rockbridge Conservation (you have his description) - Bob will talk about the moral imperative of stewardship in taking care of our much beloved Rockbridge County, Lexington, and the world. We will learn about the important role each one of us plays in protecting the ecosystem and the culture.  He will share ways that Rockbridge Conservation tries to support those responsibilities in many different contexts. 

Sunday, September 29 - Catherine Siegel - Roots and Shoots

Holy Eucharist Rt II | 10:30 a.m. | In-Person and YouTube

Morning Prayer | Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.

In-Person & Zoom

The Mission and Outreach Committee of the Gadsden Trust 

The Mission and Outreach Committee of the Gadsden Trust will convene on September 10, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. in the third floor Conference Room for its third meeting of 2024.  The Committee will review third quarter grant requests that were submitted by the September 1, 2024, deadline and make awards.

The Gadsden Trust grant request application is available here.  Completed applications should be sent to Gail Dickerson. Third quarter grant requests must be received by noon on September 1, 2024. Gadsden Committee meetings are open to the parish.

Project Horizon's Latin Festival

Sunday, September 22, 2024 9:00 AM — 5:00 PM Brewbaker Field, Lexington, VA


What To Expect:

Soccer tournament, dance performances showcasing Salsa, Bachata, Tango, and more, a variety of food vendors offering delicious Latin American dishes (Colombia, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Mexico and more), and fun activities for children and families. Bring your friends and family to experience the lively atmosphere, connect with the community, and enjoy a day filled with cultural enrichment and entertainment.

How to Participate:

Volunteer: We welcome volunteers to help with event setup, activities, and cleanup. If you are interested, please email

Soccer Team: If you want to play soccer, register with a team of 11 players, please complete the registration form here by September 1, 2024. Latin Festival 2024: Sept. 22nd (

Dancer/group dance/singers: If you would like to perform, please complete the registration form here by September 1, 2024. Latin Festival 2024: Sept. 22nd (

Vendor/Booth Registration: If you would like to be a vendor at the festival, please complete the registration form here by September 1, 2024. Latin Festival 2024: Sept. 22nd (

Spread the Word: Help us spread the word by sharing this email with your friends and on social media using the hashtag #LexingtonvaLatinFest

We look forward to celebrating with you and making this festival a memorable event for everyone. For more information, please visit our website here. En Español | Project Horizon or contact us at

New Coffee Hour Schedule

The following team leaders will host Sunday morning coffee hours. Please thank our Coffee Hour team leaders!

August 18 team leaders are Grace Simcoe and Peggy Riethmiller (Anne Sauder will coordinate a special reception in honor of visitors from the Boys Home of Virginia following the 10:30 service.)

August 25 team leaders are Stephen Lowe and Michael McLaughlin

September 1 is Unitive Worship at 10:30 followed by First Sunday Lunch

September 8 (Marc Nikkel Day) team leaders are Susan Mead and MJ Mayerchak

September 15 team leaders are Gail Dickerson and James Keane

 September 22 team leaders TBD.  If you would be willing to help lead coffee hour this day please contact Tuck.

September 29 team leaders are Ruth Smith and Chris Young

October 6 team leaders are Cecile West-Settle and Elizabeth Boetsch

October 13 team leaders are Lynn Dent and Bill Kozak

October 20 team leaders are Drew Sorber, Madelyn Stuart, Connor Rothermel, and Rose Hein.

Team leaders would welcome assistance.  Please contact team leaders directly if you are available to help!

Regarding The Winter Star and Extra Events for Young People

The Winter Star will be rehearsed and prepared Saturday mornings 10-11:30 Dec. 7, 14, and 21, and we will offer it as the "Pageant" at the early service on Christmas Eve. We will ask that participants make themselves available to at least two of the three preparations. This still remains open to the community at large, and anyone is welcome, of course, to attend the early service on Christmas Eve. 

Summer of 2025 we will go back to last summer's successful formula of a day "Art Expression Camp" 2-5pm the week before public schools start. 

We also are going to offer, beginning in October,  "Art Expression on the Courtyard" for kids on First Fridays, 5-7pm, during the galleries' "First Fridays" as a way to offer kids an art experience and let their parents enjoy the galleries. Feel free to contact Martha for more details. 

Monday Music on the Courtyard is Back!

Grace Episcopal Church announces its second season of "Music Mondays on the Courtyard." Our next Monday Music will be Open Mic Night, Monday, September 16, 6:30-8:00pm. All are invited to bring food, beverages, lawn chairs, and blankets. In the event of rain, music will move into the Undercroft of the church. Free will donations are accepted. For information contact Martha.

The Wall that Heals Program

As you know, The Wall That Heals is a three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial along with a mobile Education Center. It will be at the Jackson River Sports Complex in Covington, from October 3rd – October 6th, and will be open 24 hours a day. It is free to the public. The Wall That Heals honors the more than three million Americans who served in the U.S. Armed forces in the Vietnam War, and it bears the names of the 58,281 men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam.

We are relieved this event has been well funded – we have successfully raised enough to support bringingThe Wall That Heals to our area and to cover needs for supporting the event while it is here. We appreciate your willingness to support this unique opportunity. We are now seeking help spreading the word about The Wall That Heals as we continue to move forward. We would love if you could help spread the word.

The Wall That Heals will be escorted through downtown Lexington on October 1st. We hope our community will come out to cheer as the truck is escorted through downtown Lexington. If you know any community members, schools, or organizations, or church groups that may be interested in a tour, or who would like to volunteer for this event, check out the following website for schedules, contacts and opportunities available:


Valley Program for Aging Services (VPAS) offers older adults and their family members a variety of services. Please feel free to use VPAS as a resource, even if we can't help directly, we'll always try to point people in the right direction. 

Examples of Services: 

  • Meals on Wheels for homebound adults age 60+ 

  • Medicare Options Counseling 

  • VPAS Cafes in Buena Vista, Lexington, and Goshen for socialization and lunch

  • Senior Transportation to medical appointments 

  • Activities such as Line Dancing, Seated Yoga, Tai Chi, and Pickers Strings Group

  • Info about financial assistance programs

  • Caregiver support and training 

There is an upcoming workshop called "Prepare to Care: Navigating a Dementia Diagnosis." This is a workshop for family caregivers, care partners, and friends of persons new to dementia. It will be held on Wednesday, August 28 from 9 am-12 pm at Maury River Senior Services, 2137 Magnolia Avenue, Buena Vista, VA. Table discussions, role plays and resources to help you in your journey. No cost. To register, call at (540)261-7474 or visit the site.

Music in the Garden

Join us for Music in the Garden on August 23 (Caravan of Fools) and September 6 (The Ruckus Bluegrass Band). Members and kids are free; nonmember adults are $5 cash at the gate.130 Munger Lane | Gates open at 5:30 pm, music from 6:30-7:30 pm | $5 per adult, kids are free. BYOB, BYO chairs, and pack out your waste. Leashed pets are welcome.

Update on the Trex Challenge

Wonderful news! We have met our goal of 1,000 lbs. of plastic film for the Trex Challenge. Thanks so much to all that helped us meet the goal. I want to give a special thanks to Cindy and Grigg Mullen, Lexington Garden Club, Jefferson Florist, Lexington Prescription Center and ConnectionsPlus for their help in reaching our goal. We will continue to participate in this program!

Please note that we will continue to collect plastic film collected. This is not only plastic bags but includes other plastic films that stretch; bread bags, bubble wrap, drycleaning bags, plastic shipping envelopes, Ziploc food storage bags, shrink wrap, salt bags, wood pellet bags, produce bags, etc... everything just must be clean before going into recycling. There is a blue collection bin for plastic film under the bridge between the Church and Parish Hall for your deposit of plastic films. Thanks again for your participation in this challenge.

Project Horizon Seeking Volunteers

There will be a training session in October. If you are interested call and get your name on the list for the training session. Project Horizon desires empathetic, thoughtful, and motivated volunteers of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to help us accomplish our mission of eradicating domestic, sexual, and dating violence through empowerment of survivors, and by being a sanctuary for victims. We need your help to provide these vital services as Rockbridge County’s only domestic violence shelter and hotline.

Project Horizon was founded in 1982 by a group of women sitting around a kitchen table. Today, we provide a 24-hour crisis hotline, free counseling services, an emergency shelter for victims, outreach to underrepresented communities, and educational programming for kindergarten through college-aged students.  

Volunteers play an integral role in Project Horizon’s mission by answering hotline calls, providing office support, interacting with shelter residents, working with employees on specific projects, such as translation or art projects, and assisting staff with events.

For information about volunteering and to sign up for our next training, contact volunteer coordinator Janice Burguieres at 540-463-7861or

Wanted: Sunday School Teachers

We are looking for youth, college students, and adults to help with Sunday School from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. each Sunday. A stipend is available. Contact Tuck for more information.

Prayer List

Please pray for the wider Church and intercessions requested by our Congregants: Pray for Presiding Bishop Curry, for The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, Presiding Bishop-Elect. Pray for Diocese of Southwestern Virginia, and our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Mark Bourlakas. Pray today for the Non-Canonically Resident Clergy serving in the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia.

Pray for Brendon, Timmy, John Perry, Glen Jones, Jack Hershbell, Laura Stearns, Lynda deMaria, Polly Lawrence, Betty Cadden, Jeff Mason, Joe Irby, Kent Wilson,  Diana Kenney, Jerry & Ann Nay, Paula Cooper, Penny & Ned Henneman, Barbara Bova, Shelby, Clay Sadler, Sharon Humphreys, Eloise Adams, Nancy Mastin, Elizabeth Klein, Cullen Bahr (friend of Drusie Milford), Mary Etta Randolph, Carl & Rachel Pattison, Jane Drewry (sister-in-law of Ruth Smith), Barb Ostrander (cousin of John Milford), Grace, Ashley Swain & Elliot Ohmann (daughter and grandson of Sharon Kurtz), Sue Hill, Frances Harcus, Glenn & Christine Szarzynski, Palmer Stickley and his family, Mercedes Aravena-Echaurren, Helen Moore, Patricia Williams, Christy Panko, Ann, Kay Lera, Kitty Farrar, Justin, Rodrigo, Wes O’Dell and family, and those we name aloud or in our hearts.

Pray for the people of Israel, Gaza, Sudan, Haiti, Ukraine, and pray for cessation of violence, and for reconciliation, and peace. Pray for those who have died.

In Thanksgiving for August Birthdays

8/17    Kent Wilson

8/18    Luke Camp

8/20    Marjorie Connolly

8/21    Lena Simcoe

8/26    Elaine Nelson

8/28    David Howison

8/30    Barton Dick

8/31    Pat Gibson


We're so glad you're here! If you or someone you know is new to Grace and would like more information about Parish life, follow the link below.


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