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Sunday Worship

In-Person and Online

8 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rt 1

9:15 a.m. Christianity & Culture

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rt 2


Morning Prayer
In-Person and Online

8:30 a.m. Monday–Friday


Sunday Evening Services
In-Person | 5 p.m.

2nd Sundays: Taizé Eucharist
4th Sundays: Evensong

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No events at the moment


The mission of Grace Episcopal Church is to share in the redeeming work of God by proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, by worshipping Jesus as Lord, by growing in the knowledge of God and God's will for our parish, and by building the fellowship of Christ's body, the Church.


We seek to share God's love in witness and service to one another and our community, our neighboring institutions of higher education, and through the diocese to the nation and the world.

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123 W Washington St, Lexington, VA 24450


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